Quick Confidence: Focus on Building Your Self-esteem

Stefanie Dunn
4 min readOct 29, 2022

Confidence can be explained as the essence of what you believe you CAN do and how comfortable you are DOING it. Bringing in, self-esteem …

Your confidence is underpinned by your self-esteem and what you truly believe about yourself — like it or not, your deep-seated beliefs are easily seen in your expressed thoughts and actions.

Working to improve your self-esteem while working to increase your self-confidence helps make the confidence journey a little easier to surmount. When you create healthy self-esteem, you build up your foundation for improved confidence — the two go hand in hand.

Similar to confidence, SELF-ESTEEM isn’t built in a day. It is reliant on the micro-efforts and actions you take every day. Keep going no matter what!

Your efforts and actions contribute to building your foundation for positive or negative self-esteem. They can either stall or create your space for growth.

If you want to improve your life in a big way…Learn to create better relationships with others and most importantly, YOURSELF.

It becomes easy to see your brighter future and more confident self when you work on your self-esteem and build yourself up.

Signs you are struggling with your self-esteem:

  • Constantly questioning your abilities.
  • Scared to mess up when you try something new.
  • Extremely critical of yourself.
  • Fearful of not seeming perfect.
  • Not speaking up when you could really use the help.
  • Relying on others to make decisions for you.

The way you treat and work with others contributes to the way you feel about yourself, so remember to treat others the way you want to be treated.

Remove any negative blockers resulting from your behavioral choices. Focus on building positive relationships to give back to others in a way that makes you feel good about yourself and your abilities. Relationships are a great way to measure your self-esteem and growth since they allow you to work on yourself. Focus on treating others the way you would like to be treated and remain consistent in that idea.

Work on building your positive self-image.

If a positive self-image doesn’t come naturally to you (hint: it doesn’t for many), the key is to build it up! Work on yourself and improve any area that you are not fond of, with the help of inspirational coaches, books, and self-practice.

  • Give yourself a break.
  • Seek help when you need a positive word spoken to you.
  • Picture yourself as your most perfect potential.
  • Believe in yourself at all costs.
  • Surround yourself with people who believe in you.

Live with integrity and follow through with the things you say you will do.

When you keep your word to yourself and others, you begin to trust yourself more fully and your ability to do what you say you will do. This in turn makes you have a stronger belief in your abilities and ultimately builds your self-esteem.

  • Commit to yourself and focus on your behaviors and habits.
  • Do the things you say you will do.
  • Live up to your word.
  • Help others see the best in themselves.

If you struggle with your self-confidence and self-esteem, you are certainly not alone! Psychology Today recently reported that a whopping 85% of people worldwide have issues with self-esteem. Another article from Gee Hair published that 56% of women don’t feel liked by others and 60% of men don’t feel confident in their abilities to do their jobs.

Struggling with self-esteem and confidence affects people of all backgrounds, ages, and stages — even when someone appears to have it all together. The people who exude self-esteem in their daily interactions have likely worked hard to get there — what you are seeing is the result of hard work and commitment in action.

I am on a mission to help people break out of this collective thought pattern, get on track to believing in yourselves, and stop the boomerang of self-doubt. This is critical not only for your growth but for generations to come.

As you build your self-esteem and work on becoming your ultimate self, give yourself grace and understanding that it will take time.

You are the only one who can rip open your paradigm and get to the heart of your self-esteem — your true belief in yourself. When you work on yourself daily, those incremental gains will pay off for the rest of your life!

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Stefanie Dunn

Leadership, sales, marketing, culture, business strategy, tech, and shared real-life inspiration. Please follow for more!